Mini Dental Implants

Mini Dental Implants


Apart from the reduced diameter, shorter length, and one-piece body, mini implants differ from the latter in many ways:

Minimally invasive. One of the main selling points of these smaller implants is that they are less invasive than regular implants. This less invasive procedure makes it possible to place and load the mini implants in a single office visit. Traditional implants often require two surgical procedures out of which, the first surgery is more invasive and extensive than that associated with mini implants. The second surgery is also comparatively less invasive and involves uncovering the post and abutment placement.

Narrow diameter. As cited earlier, mini implants are smaller in diameter than conventional dental implants. The diameter of a conventional implant ranges from 3.5mm to 6mm while for mini implants, ti can be anywhere between 1.8mm to 3.5mm. Sterngold MOR Mini Implants (https:/ implant/implants) are available in three body diameters, 2.1mm, 2.4mm, and 3.0mm.

One-piece body. Traditional implants feature two components: a post and an abutment. On the other hand, mini implants come in one piece that screws into the bone from its lower end and a ball-shaped protrusion as abutmenton the top. Thus, mini implants have a small and straight abutment that comes fixed to the implant body.

Insufficient bone mass. Conventional dental implants need sufficient bone mass to achieve osseointegration. On the contrary, mini implants do not need as much bone for proper osseointegration.

More affordable. Very often, the treatment cost for mini implants is a fraction of that of traditional implants, owing to the less invasive procedure, easier workflow, and self-tapping feature (minimal osteotomy).

Anterior or Overdenture application. Conventional dental implants provide more stability and customization options to suit various esthetic and functional needs but mini implants can be a permanent replacement in the anterior (consider the MOR® A) or under a denture, no less than conventional ones.


One of the key benefits of mini dental implants is their less invasive surgical protocol. The less invasive procedure has a higher chance of contributing to minimal postoperative discomfort and increased patient cooperation, based on mini dental implant patient testimonies ( Mini implants are likely to be suitable for medically compromised patients who cannot tolerate the invasiveness of regular dental implants*.

*Suitability is based on the patient's clinical evaluation

Another benefit of mini implants is immediate load ( questions-to-ask-before-choosing-between-delayed-and-immediate-dental-implant-loading); meaning they can be loaded on the same day they are placed. MOR® implants are immediate load, and when placed in association with an overdenture, patients can chew food with minimal difficulty, with a more normal diet. However, clinicians must determine the cases for immediate loading based on the quality and quantity of the bone, amount of load, and overall patient ability to heal.

The third and probably the most significant benefit of mini dental implants is their comparative affordability. Patients who cannot afford the cost of conventional implant systems will find mini dental implants as an excellent treatment option. The one-piece mini implants not just cost less upfront but also simplifies the restorative and prosthetic procedure. In comparison, the augmentation procedures for conventional dental implants are complex, costly, and have more likelihood of postoperative pain and discomfort in patients.

Because of the above, mini dental implants are more likely to cause increased patient satisfaction and an improved quality of life.

Mini Dental Implants

East Brooke Dental Award

Office Hours:

  • Monday   9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday 10:00am - 7:00pm
  • Wednesday   9:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday   8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday   8:00am - 1:00pm
  • Saturday*   8:30am - 1:00pm
  • Sunday CLOSED
  • *Saturday Twice a month